Our Story

Where It All Began

The Natal Drakensberg is one of South Africa’s most outstanding attractions, which draws hundreds of thousands of visitors annually to its scenic beauty, crisp mountain air and crystal clear waters. Midst in this beautiful area lies the Winterton Museum.


The Winterton Historical society started talks with Museum services in 1991 about establishing a museum in Winterton. Museum was built with money generated by the Historical society and dedicated locals, land donated by the farmers Association. Input on running a museum as well as help with exhibitions was provided by Museum services. Museum was inaugurated on 26 May 1993. Guest speakers at the opening were the “grande dame” of Winterton Peggy Drew and well-known historian Sheila Henderson.

Peggy arrived in Winterton as a four-year-old in 1916. She taught at the winterton school for many years and has (at that stage) been involved with the Wi for 56 years. She was also instrumental  in planting the lovely avenue of plane trees alongside the main road, enterting winterton.l


Sheila Henderson was well known for her work with Museum services and has worked closely with the National Monuments council. She received numerous medals for her outstanding contributions +to historical conservation and was instrumental in establishing the Museum Services.


Mrs Annali Honiball was appointed the first curator based on her History degree and art background.

She started with an empty building and was responsible for all research, displays, documentation, visitors, restoration, publicity, cleaning and gardens.


Hours of Operation

00 – 16h00

– 12h00

By appointment


Please make an appointment even for normal opening hours.

where we are

Church street next to farmers hall

We are here

Abel and Soper Road